What Is the Original Sin of Humans?

The Scriptural concept of original sin states that every human is born with wickedness and often engages in tremedous amount of sins . The human flesh consistently indulges in sin throughout its lifetime (Gen 6:5). It is not an overstatement to describe the human body as a sin-producing factory. The human flesh sustains itself on sins despised by God, consuming them as a daily meal (Job 15:16). The human flesh finds enjoyment in committing acts of adultery, engaging in lewdness, and defying the will of God.

Do People Really Know Themselves?

When observing people, it becomes evident that they lack self-awareness. Despite Socrates' famous quote to "Know thyself," people genuinely remain oblivious to their own true nature. They are unaware of the deep-seated sins residing within them. According to the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 7, verses 21-23, there exist 12 kinds of sins inside the heart of a person originally. The heart of committing murder, the heart of lust, the heart of envy, the heart of thievery, the heart of evil thoughts, the heart of foolishness and many other sins are inside men.

Mark 7:20-23

[20]And He said, “What comes out of a man, that defiles a man.

[21]For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

[22]thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness.

[23]All these evil things come from within and defile a man.” 



Everyone Lives with Misunderstanding of Oneself 

People lead their lives, oblivious to the fact that they are mere hypocrites, outwardly professing goodness while concealing the poisonous traits found in their hearts. This ignorance stems from their failure to truly comprehend themselves.

When we gain true insight into humanity, we come to understand that humans are inherently flawed. They bear the burden of various transgressions throughout their lives, unable to escape the grip of sin. Thus, humans engage in acts of immorality, arrogance, wicked thoughts, animosity, homicide, theft, and a multitude of other malevolent deeds.

 Can you fathom the notion that humans are capable of such actions? Would you be willing to accept that humans often engage in deceit and theft? Could you believe it if I were to inform you that humans are prone to committing adultery? And what if I were to tell you that you, too, fall within this category of people?

Humans Spill Sins Every Moment Because They Are Originally Sinners  

A human body commits sin from birth until the moment of its death. Not only does a human body like to commit sin, but it also likes to follow only its carnal desires. Isaiah 1:4 records that humans are “a brood of evildoers,” and Isaiah 59 records that there are all kinds of filthy and disgraceful things inside a human heart. Hence, a human is a mass of sin. Then, if we could deduce conclusively from God’s Word that “A human is a mass of sin,” then, we must receive this Word of God in our heart. And we must acknowledge before the presence of God that we are such sinners and then wait for the teaching of Jesus.  

"People live with many mistaken illusions. It seems that they are especially vulnerable in this respect. They seem to be intelligent but are easily deceived and remain unaware of their evil sides. We are born without knowing ourselves, but we still live as if we do. Since people do not know themselves, the Bible repeatedly tells us that we are sinners. People talk about the existence of their own sins. It seems that people are incapable of doing good, however, they are inclined to characterize themselves as good. They boast of their good works and show off, though they say they are sinners with their lips. They don’t know that they neither have good in them nor the ability to do good, so they try to deceive others and sometimes even deceive themselves.”  


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